ARTWORK by Kimberly Seidler

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Greetings Friends! Thank you for visiting Dishes in Bloom, my new journey in life. I’m Kimmy, and I am very excited to be presenting my creations to the world.
I have been an avid gardener my entire life and making homes and gardens amazing is my passion.
I am a 4th Generation Nevadan and if you live in Northern Nevada chances are you’ve se
Greetings Friends! Thank you for visiting Dishes in Bloom, my new journey in life. I’m Kimmy, and I am very excited to be presenting my creations to the world.
I have been an avid gardener my entire life and making homes and gardens amazing is my passion.
I am a 4th Generation Nevadan and if you live in Northern Nevada chances are you’ve seen me scouting yard sales and estate sales for interesting pieces. That I restore and modify, turning them into New Functional Art.
A Whimsical and Fun way to support Recycling!
Now I extend my creations to you!
Please Enjoy, “Dishes in Bloom”.
Everyone loves a full set of dishes but what do you do when half get broken?
They end up in Thrift Stores, Trash Cans and Landfills.
I instead I use them to make Art..
Plates, saucers, bowls, teapots, door knobs and so many other treasures!!!!!
My art palette is made up of glass, porcelain, stoneware and much more. Mixing and Matching colors
Everyone loves a full set of dishes but what do you do when half get broken?
They end up in Thrift Stores, Trash Cans and Landfills.
I instead I use them to make Art..
Plates, saucers, bowls, teapots, door knobs and so many other treasures!!!!!
My art palette is made up of glass, porcelain, stoneware and much more. Mixing and Matching colors from different patterns and years is a challenge.but one I enjoy.
Give me a drill plus a few other tools and I can make you a flower that never dies, a bird feeder or maybe a special teapot turned into a wind chime!
Collecting beautiful dishes that others have thrown away, I turn them into decorative
Yard and Home Art.
I have always had a fascination with dishes. Wondering about their history.
Who owned them, where have they been?
If they could only talk!
What Story would they tell?
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